Friday, 1 December 2017

Pirongia skatepark

                            pirongia Skatepark

We had to do letters to the council it was really tricky but we got there in the end.We had to cardboard models of are skatepark it was really fun. I liked doing this terms inquiry It was my favorite.   

How a seed grows

How seeds grow
Seeds are a vital part to our life. If there are no trees there would be no life. So how do they grow?

A seed has a tiny plant inside of it called an embryo. This embryo needs some special conditions such as moisture, warmth, nutrient rich soil and sunlight to grow. The embryo absorbs water from the soil, the soil provides moisture and nutrients for the embryo. Plant cells in the seed start to duplicate and the enzymes get activated.

The embryo gets nourishment from from the soil. The first sign of growth is a tiny root and the embryo gets more nourishment and the embryo grows a bit more. The plant bursts through the soil in search of sunlight the seed coat has fallen off the leaves are in search of photosynthesis and carbon dioxide.

The seed roots anchor into the soil to keep the plant stable. The roots are now searching for nutrients. The shoot grows up towards the light. The shoot is now developing into a plant. The conditions it needs is sunlight and water.

Do you know a seed has amazing dna it knows when to start growing.